Homo sapiens, also known as humans, are beings with many needs. Food, water, and air are all biological needs without which our bodies would not survive. But our need for friends, relationships, family, and communities is a special kind of need—a need without which our minds and emotions would wither. These social connections are what make our lives special and worth living. However, life sometimes drives us apart. For example, when you are suddenly sent on a business trip to Japan and have to leave your loved ones behind, you may find yourself in one of the most amazing places, yet something feels missing. In those moments, when you are hundreds of miles apart, and yet you still think about your loved ones while taking photos, experiencing new things just to share with them when you return, or trying to find the perfect postcard to send them something while you’re there. Those moments show that even when we are separated, we are still together.

The Fridge is a hidden-object side-scroller, where you're sightseeing in the streets of Tokyo. Most of the art in the game was hand-drawn. We also included a few real souvenirs from our travels in the game.


Use WASD/Arrows to move. Press Space to proceed to next screen when prompted. Find hidden objects by clicking on them with a mouse. Some objects can be interacted with by drag-and-drop movements at certain points in the game.


Peter Pavlík (@boa.jeo), Matej Procházka, Ivana Pavlíková (@schnira), Barbora Pavelková (@quaterline)


The Fridge.zip 67 MB

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